Hari Harijan Ke Karya Ko, Karan Kachu Na Lakhai |
Par Upkar Svabhav Vash, Karat Karya Jag Aai ||
There is only one reason behind the actions of God and Saints, Welfare of others.
The Vedas state that –
Purnmadah Purnmidam Purnata Purnmudyachata |
Purnsya Purnmadaaya Purnmevayavashishyate |
Meaning God is infinitesimally complete. So, if you remove complete from complete even then you are left with complete. There is no question of any self interest in any action of God.
In a similar way, Vedas state for the God realized Saints that –
In a similar way, Vedas state for the God realized Saints that –
Gunaatitah Stithatapragyo Vishnubhaktashacha Kathyate |
Etasya Krutkrutyatrachaastrama smanivartate ||
(Ved Vyas)
Meaning once a soul is God realized, he becomes fully satisfied. There remains nothing for him to do anymore. And even if anything remains then that is selfless service for Shri Krishn and this state remains for eternity.
So, the Vedas state –
Sada Pasyayanti Suryamah Tadishnoh Param Padam |
(Suvaalop. Chatavaa Mantra Muktopanishad)
Soyashanute Sarvaan Kaaman Sah Bramano Vipashrichateti |
(Tetriyo. 2-1)
So, it has been proved by Vedic quotations that the actions of God and His Saints are only for the welfare of others. If their nature was not to wish the welfare of others then no mayic soul would ever meet the goal of God realization.