Saturday, March 17, 2018

Six aspects of Surrender to God

1. To desire only in accordance with the desire of God. By nature, we are his servants, and the duty of a servant is to fulfill the desire of the master. So as surrendered devotees of God, we must make our will conform to the will of God.

 A dry leaf is surrendered to the wind. It does not complain whether the wind lifts it up, takes it forward or backward, or drops it to the ground. Similarly, we too must learn to be happy in the happiness of God.

2. Not to desire against the desire of God. Whatever we get in life is a result of our past and present karmas. However, the fruits of the karmas do not come by themselves. God notes them and gives the results at the appropriate time. Since the results are dispensed by God himself, we must learn to serenely accept them.

Usually, when people get wealth, fame, pleasure, and luxuries in the world, they forget to thank God. However, if they get suffering, they blame God for it, "Why did God do this to me?" The second aspect of surrender means to not complain about whatever God gives us.

3. To have firm faith that God is protecting us. God is the eternal father. He is taking care of all the living beings in creation. There are trillions of ants on the planet earth, and all of them need to eat regularly. Do you ever find that a few thousand ants in your garden have died of starvation? God ensures that they are all provided for. On the other hand, elephants eat mounds of food every day. God provides for them too. Even a worldly father cares and provides for his children. Why then should we doubt whether our eternal father, God, will take care of us or not? To have firm faith in his protection is the third aspect of surrender.

4. To keep an attitude of gratitude toward God. We have received so many priceless gifts from the Lord. The earth that we walk upon, the sunlight with which we see, the air that we breathe and the water that we drink, are all given to us by God. In fact, it is because of Him that we exist; He has brought us to life and imparted consciousness in our soul. We are not paying Him any tax in return, but we must at least feel deeply indebted for all that He has given to us. This is the sentiment of gratitude.

The reverse of this is the sentiment of ungratefulness. For example, a father does so much for his child. The child is told to be grateful to his father for this. But the child responds, "Why should I be grateful? His father took care of him and he is taking care of me." This is ingratitude toward the worldly father. To be grateful toward God, our eternal Father, for all that He has given to us, is the fourth aspect of surrender.

5. To see everything we possess as belonging to God. This entire world has been created by God. It existed even before we were born, and will continue to exist even after we die. Hence, the true owner of everything is God alone. When we think something belongs to us, we forget the proprietorship of God.

Let us say that someone comes into your house when you are not at home. He wears your clothes, eats out of your refrigerator, and sleeps on your bed. On returning, you ask indignantly, "What have you been doing in my house?"

 He says, "I have not damaged anything. I have merely used everything properly. Why are you getting annoyed?" 

 You reply, "You may not have destroyed anything, but it all belongs to me. If you use it without my permission, you are a thief." 

 Similarly, this world and everything in it belongs to God. To remember this, and give up our sense of proprietorship is the fifth aspect of Surrender.

6. To give up the pride of having surrendered. If we become proud of the good deeds that we have done, the pride dirties our heart and undoes the good. That is why it is important to keep an attitude of humbleness: "If I was able to do something nice, it was only because God inspired my intellect in the right direction. Left to myself, I would never have been able to do it." To keep such an attitude of humility is the sixth aspect of surrender.

If we can perfect these six points of surrender in ourselves, we will fulfill God's condition and he will bestow his grace upon us.


  1. The devotee has to desire in accordance of the desire of god, and not have the pride of being surrendered. These are most important aspect of surrender. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Good to see that there are six aspects of surrender to God for us to review. Thank you Swami-ji. Faith, gratitude, and humbleness. Remembering God and repeatedly surrendering to His will. Not acting against His will. Remembering that all we have has been gifted to us by Him.

  3. Need to memorize this and remember at every moment

  4. wow...very important piece of information to remember in the path of devotion !!

  5. I really like this points. If we can perfect these six points of surrender in our life we will fulfill God's condition and He will bestow his grace upon us. Thank you for posting!

  6. Desire is the root cause cause of bondage. If we learn to give up our own desires and accept to surrender to the God's will, we have reached to the point of libration.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. To receive grace of God we need to completely surrender our life towards God and Guru. Regular practice of these Six principles will definitely help us reach that goal. Thank you Swamiji for your continuous guidance for progress in our spiritual journey.

  9. We have received so many priceless gifts from God. We must feel deeply indebted for all that we have.

  10. Whatever we get in life is the result of our past and present karmas. We must learn to serenely accept them.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. By nature, we are servants of God. Our duty is to fulfill the desire of our

  13. By nature, we are servants of God. Our duty is to fulfill the desire of our

  14. God has given us every thing .without his blessing we have no every time every thing we should surrender to God.That is why we should completely surrender to God.

  15. "We should keep an attitude of humbleness.We should not become proud of good deeds we have done because without His grace we can not do anything."


  16. We should keep an attitude of gratitude
    towards God.

  17. "God is our eternal father.We should
    never doubt wheather our eternal
    FATHER will take care of us or not."

  18. We forget to thank god for his blessing but we complain to him for our suffering.Surrender means not to complain about what god gives us.

  19. We forget to thank god for his blessing but we complain to him for our suffering.Surrender means not to complain about what god gives us.

  20. "We should have firm faith in His protection.This is a very
    important aspect of surrender."

  21. "We should keep an attitude of humbleness. We should not become proud of good deeds we have done because without His grace we can not do anything."

  22. Wow! I keep coming back to this page frequently to revise the knowledge. Swamiji discusses the six aspects of surrender, one of which is to give up the pride of having surrendered. I really appreciate the knowledge because it is so easy to forget these important messages.


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