Monday, January 30, 2017

How to win the battle against the mind?

At times when we sit to work on an important piece of our assignment, we realize that just when we are trying to focus our mind on a particular subject; it throws up all kinds of thoughts. Retaining our focus on an important subject turns into a battle with the mind. The untamed mind can cost us dearly in terms of lack of creativity, increased stress, loss of memory and a feeling of discontentment.

 To win our battle against the restless mind requires us to firstly understand our mind. The mind is a subtle machine that constantly generates thoughts. These thoughts shape our personality and our physical appearance. We look at someone and say, "He seems to be very aggressive", or "She appears to be tensed" etc. The nature of thoughts in a person's mind reflects in the personality and physical appearance. No wonder, when we look at a Saint, we see a very calm and composed personality. At present, our mind is scattered. Just as, if the channel button of television set is spoilt, the channels keep changing sporadically. Similarly, our mind keeps flipping from topic to topic and hence we are unable to derive the maximum benefit out of its potential. If only we could channelize the thoughts in our mind and learn to concentrate it, we could increase the extent to which we are able to utilize its potential. This is where meditation has given us the power to harness the latent potential of our mind. 

Meditation techniques have been described in the ancient scriptures and passed down numerous generations. Simply put, "Meditation is the practice to persistently direct our thoughts to one focal point". Some practitioners focus on the breath, others on the eyebrow center, others on the psychic centers in the spinal cord, etc.

In order to tame the mind through meditation, it requires repeated practice, akin to physical practice. Initially, a person may find it difficult to focus the mind for even two minutes, but with repeated practice, a person can go on to practice meditation for hours at a stretch. All that one needs to do is make a firm resolve to discipline the mind. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj says,

              "मन को मानो शत्रु उसकी सुनहु जनि कछु प्यारे। "

"Declare war on your mind. Do the opposite of what it says, and soon it will stop bothering you."

Instructions of doing Meditation:-
  1. Select a quiet and clean place to meditate, which is free from distractions.
  2. Sit in a comfortable meditative posture. Ensure that your back is upright.
  3. Close your eyes and relax your body. Have a slight smile on your face.
  4. Keep your eyes closed till the end of this meditation exercise.
  5. As you listen to the meditation, create the same type of feeling in your mind.
  6. Slowly and steadily breathe in and breathe out. Concentrate on your breathing rhythm.


  1. Nicely explained by Swamiji."Declare war on your mind. Do the opposite of what it says, and soon it will stop bothering you."
    After purifying the mind we can see the beauty of the Divine Universe and it can be possible through meditation.

  2. Very nice explanation on how the unscattered mind cause stress, anxiety and reduces the efficiency to work and concentration with in us. In order to improve it Jagadguru Shree kripaluji Maharaj gave a beautiful example to declare war on it. Practicing meditation on regular basis or intervals will help keep our focus on the particular object or personality. Beautiful instructions given and Thank you Swamiji for sharing it.

    1. Yes, I agree to your statement. Practicing meditation on regular basis by making God as the object will help us in this regard.

  3. Very good article. Thoughts shape our personality and our physical appearance. To control the mind through meditation, it requires repeated practice, akin to physical practice.

    1. Nicely put...just like to tone one's physical body one works hard in the gym and also maintains a clean diet and stays away from junk food.
      practising meditation and bringing divine thoughts is workout for our mind to make it beautiful and to keep mind off worldly junk is the discipline to keep it that way.

  4. We feel exhausted and drained by the end of the day as we struggle to tame the restless mind to . Swamiji is blessing us with the Divine knowledge which can be implemented in our schedule and transform our life.

  5. Practice practice practice that's all we have to do. Wonderful article .. We just have to turn our mind towards God and it will turn away from material world.

  6. Warring on the mind that has been for longest time disturbing my peace and the peace of others? Doing opposite of what the mind says? I am going to try this.

    1. Thoughts are so creepy,they just slip in,even while doing sadhana.They just attack you,like a flash of light......I have realized that, like Shri Maharaji says kick it off with a Raa DHEY. Dhakka dey ke Bhagaa doh.

  7. The restless mind is material by nature and can be controlled by meditation that involves God. I really like the statement that Maharajji says: "Declare war on your mind. Do the opposite of what it says, and soon it will stop bothering you."

  8. Very practical point. Mediation is the way to control mind. We need to practice mediation to control the untamed mind.

  9. When In material world practice makes a man perfect.Then in spiritual world practice with the bliss of Radhakrishna will definitely maKe us perfect.

  10. Our mind cause of bondage and Liberation..and also Greatest enemy or Friend So we should not believe our mind's directions.. Very nice explained Swami Ji about our Mind management .... Thank you Swami Ji

  11. Our mind cause of bondage and Liberation..and also Greatest enemy or Friend So we should not believe our mind's directions.. Very nice explained Swami Ji about our Mind management .... Thank you Swami Ji

  12. The Mind can be tamed with daily and repeated practice of Meditation.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The technique to tame the mind is meditation.It is only through meditation that we can give a direction to our wild and uncontrolled thoughts and achieve our target.Shree Maharajji also suggests not to listen to the mind ,do just the opposite of what it demands,as there are so many distractions in the world but with a concentrated and controlled mind we can ignore them and focus on the ultimate goal to love God.

  15. Very useful information for mind management !!

  16. Swamiji says that the mind is like a factory of thoughts and thoughts in turn are like bundles of energy. These thoughts impact us at each moment and reflect the emotion that we feel at any given moment in time. Thus, our thoughts affect physical and mental health as well. Meditation can definitely help to calm the mind. Thank you!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Regular practice of meditation will definitely help to improve the power of mind and to achieve our goal of life.Thanks Swami ji.

  19. Really, practice makes everything easy. Here Swamiji has given very useful tips to practice devotion.

  20. From time to time Swamiji has explained that the mind is afflicted with many types of kleshas and teaching it to be steady is a mammoth task. However, training our mind through meditation, to focus on God and the various types of leelas, will help to control the agitated state of the mind and bring the calm that is so necessary. Thank you, Swamiji!

  21. Very practical point. Mediation is the way to control mind. We need to practice mediation to control the untamed mind.

  22. Very nicely expalined. Thank you Swamiji for the inspiration through this article.
    Thank you.

  23. I think this is the best practical way to deal with the mind. Its by controling it with the help of intellect. Meditation really does wonders.

    1. I had seen a video of Swamiji recently about meditation and benefited very much.

  24. Thank you Swamiji! For showing the way to control our mind by meditation.

  25. Such a powerful message by Swamiji. To win our battle against the restless n untamed mindis through meditation on God'name, rup, guna, .leela, dham.It requires repeated practice n firm resolve to discipline the mind.

  26. If we practice everyday as per instructions given in this article one day we will definitely have the divine bliss of Lord Radha Krishna.

  27. Very helpful article Swamiji! Mind is the main culprit in making us (Soul) suffer in this world. We should take benefit of the techniques of meditation to lead our life peacefully.

  28. Meditation is a amazing tool to tame our mind, and get maximum benefit of it.

  29. Very practical method to control the mind. Thank you Swamiji for the beautiful explanation!

  30. Mind being a machine generating thoughts of all kinds, hence keeping a tape of our thoughts make us who we want to be. Such an amazing wisdom. Thank you Swamiji.

  31. Every action we do is with the goal to get happiness..So actions can presently cause discomfort yet provide great joy later, and if our brain decides we want that happiness it is willing to accept the short term pain for the future bliss.
    We all have practised this throughout our life to different extents.

    Now if we decide the true happiness we want is only in God & it's the only thing we want then it can help us focus all our thoughts and actions to achieve that.
    Meditating on RadhaKrishna will not only help us remember what we want but also help us get that=Infinite divine bliss.

  32. One has to Declare a war with one's mind to attain mental peace.


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