Thursday, January 24, 2019

Problems are fact of Life.....!

  1. Expect problems to happen in life.
  2. Anticipate Problems(There will be difficulties in the journey).
  3. Face the problem.
  4. Once you face a problem, keep a proper perspective towards it. Think of people who have bigger problems than ours.
  5. Put the problem in its proper perspective and in its place; It's not the end of the World.
  6. Learn from it.
  7. To face challenges and obstacles in life is alright provided we keep learning and keep growing.
  8. You made a mistake, learn and move ahead from it.
  9. Problems and challenges are opportunities to grow from within.
  10. The problems that are placed in our life, are a way for us to fill our wings for the spiritual flight to sublime heights and divine realization.
  11. By facing problems we truly grow from within.


  1. Feeling stressfree after reading above points, thank you swamiji.

  2. We truly grow from within by facing problems.

  3. We truly grow from within by facing problems.

  4. It is fine to face challenges and obstacles in life.But we should keep learning and growing.

  5. The problems promote us on spiritual path.

  6. It is obvious that on the journey of life,there will be problems.

  7. Thank you swamiji for this precious advice....Radhey radhey 🙏🙏

  8. We should learn from a mistake and move ahead from it.

  9. Superb gems of inspiration.

    Truly facing problems leads to inner growth.

  10. We should learn from a mistake and move ahead from it.

  11. Problems and challenges are the opportunities to grow from within.learn from mistakes and move on and face the problem with proper perspective are the ways to improve the quality of our lives with God realisation..

  12. It is obvious that on the journey of life,there will be problems.

  13. Problems in life are opportunities and challenges to help us grow from within. This is the real truth of life.

  14. It is fine to face challenges and obstacles in life. But we should keep learning and growing.

  15. Expect problems to happen in life and face it with proper perspective towards it.learn from it and move on and accept it as the problems and challenges are the opportunities to grow from within.

  16. Yes,problems and challenges are the opportunities to grow from within. Thank you swamiji🙏


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